Wednesday, 27 March 2013

The Final Countdown - 10 weeks to go!!!

Oh my goodness, Baby Widders will be here in the next ten weeks!!!
I've decided that each week, I'll do a post about how I'm feeling/what I'm doing, etc, so here goes....

Gestation; 29 weeks

I'm feeling;  Big, heavy and tired! I know I'm not massive, and still have ten weeks of growing to do, but I've had a significant growth spurt this week and I'm suddenly starting to get that familiar heavy, out of breath feeling after doing things like hoovering or going upstairs.
I'm pretty sure this feeling will settle down, and hopefully I'll have bursts of energy in between these knackered days!
Emotionally, I'm doing really well, feeling happy and content. I've had one or two hormonal cryfests, for absolutely no reason at all, but on the whole, I'm feeling very positive and happy. Starting to get a bit bored though, I've suddenly realised that I spend far too much time cooped up in the house, and my focus so far has been just on dropping the kids at school, doing housework all day and picking the kids up again!
Time to get out of the house and start socialising! The kids come on school holidays as of friday, so I need to make a list of things we can do while they're off. This is our last time to do things before the baby comes, so we should make the most of it!

I'm eating; Food obsessions this week are mango, cheese and chocolate. Not all at the same time!

Baby prep this week; We picked up our cot yesterday, courtesy of my lovely friends, and I've been buying little bits like a onesie and some muslin cloths. Most of the important stuff is bought now, so it's just a waiting game!

Highs and Lows; Lows this week have been my hormonal cryfest, almost constant heartburn and occasional pain when the baby is lying very low and feels almost like it's trying to jump out! It's also been the longest winter ever, and I'm starting to get really fed up with the freezing cold weather. Come on, spring!
Highs have been that the pregnancy is healthy and going very well, the house is up to date, the kids are being very happy and well behaved at the moment, and I'm so incredibly grateful for my husband, who is amazing with every aspect of family life. Life is very good, and I'll always appreciate it.

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