Gestation: 36 weeks
I'm feeling: Pretty good! Turns out we have slightly longer to wait, however, boo! We had originally been given a provisional delivery date of Friday 7th June, but it couldn't officially be booked until I was 36 weeks. Yesterday, at our booking in appointment, it turned out that our date was already fully booked, and so was the following Monday, so our delivery date is now Tuesday, 11th June.
I'll be honest, we were a little disappointed, because we have to wait longer, and also, the way it had been planned meant that I'd have delivered on the Friday, been home from hospital on the Sunday and Steve would have had two full weeks off work to be at home with us.
This way, I'll deliver on the Tuesday and be home on the Thursday/Friday, which means that the whole first week of his paternity leave will be used up while I'm in hospital, and he'll only have one week at home with us afterwards. Dammit!
However, I'm well aware that babies are not designed to work to schedules, and all that matters is that our little one is delivered safe and healthy, rather than on a convenient date! We'll sort something out, I'm sure.
We will have to do something extra nice on 7th June, to stop the inevitable "Baby should be here NOW!!!" hormone-apocalypse ;)
I'm very cheered by the fact that we have a date though, and that's the absolute latest that our baby will be here. I'm on a birth board on FB where lots of women are already well overdue, and I well remember how crazy it drives you when you have literally no idea when things might start. I've known people whose husbands/partners work offshore or abroad, and face the very real possibility of missing their own baby's birth due to work commitments. It must be a nightmare knowing your husband is going away on a certain date, and your due date comes and goes with no sign of baby.
So, yes, counting my blessings here, my dilemma is absolutely nothing compared to some people's!
Also, looking towards the actual delivery, I'm feeling very fortunate to be having an elective c-section. I've read some very scary birth stories lately, and remembering the traumatic deliveries of Charlie and Daisy, I'm delighted that I won't have to go through that again. I know some people really feel like they're missing out by having to have a c-section, but I'm more than happy to just get my baby out quickly, safely and calmly. 24 days and counting!
Baby Prep: We have prepped all we can prep, we're absolutely ready! All essential furniture, blankets, bedding, nappy changing bits, bags, pram and anything else we need are all here and ready to go. Just need a baby now!
So yes, all in all, it's been a good week. As expected at this stage, I'm getting pretty darned uncomfortable, heavy and sore. Not sleeping due to peeing every two mins, constant heartburn, occasional unexplained hormonal meltdowns, getting out of breath when I walk, finding pretty much everything tiring and slow, etc etc.
Having said all that, I'm so incredibly lucky. I'm 36 weeks pregnant, conceived within a month of trying, have been pretty healthy throughout, and at this stage, baby is a good size and gestation, and if s/he was born today, s/he would no longer be considered premature and probably wouldn't need special care.
Every time I catch sight of my wedding ring or feel my baby wriggle, I am filled with love and gratitude for how much my life has changed for the better and how unbelievably lucky we are, so moaning and hormonal meltdowns aside, I am counting my blessings all the time, and there are MANY.
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