Gestation: 38 weeks
I'm feeling: Right now, I'm feeling pretty good! Definitely taking it one day at a time, I've had one or two days this weeks when I've felt really ill or had a lot of pains, but I had my whooping cough vaccination on Tuesday, so a lot of that could have been side effects.
I'm tired, of course, but it's been a very busy week! Just to give an example, here's a day in the life from yesterday;
6.10am Wake up with alarm
6.40am Get up and make tea for myself and Steve
7am Drive Steve to work, head straight from there to MOT test Centre
8.50am Book car in for MOT, wait for mum to pick me up
9.30am Get picked up, head straight to supermarket for picnic food
10.30am Go straight to school for kids' sports day, stand and watch them do their sports events
12.30pm Head over to another field for family picnic
1.30pm Kids back at school, head home and take dog out
2pm Have shower and tidy up
3pm Leave to pick up kids from school (including dragging Charlie's bike into car)
4pm Head back out to pick up Steve from work
5pm Pick up Steve, head back to MOT test centre
6pm Pick up car, head to asda for quick and easy dinner
6.30pm Frantically feed Daisy some soup, get her ready for cheerleading (including very reluctant hair and make up, complete with tantrums)
6.45pm Steve takes Daisy to cheerleading, I feed Charlie his dinner and tidy up
7.30pm Steve and I eat dinner
8.30pm Leave for Daisy's cheerleading dress rehearsal, wipe away tears of pride
10pm Rehearsal finished, head home and make a cup of tea. Daisy full of adrenaline and very hyper!
11pm Daisy finally asleep, we head to bed.
Phew! Thank goodness my days aren't always this full! Amazingly, we managed to get through the whole day with no major stress of grumpiness, even though I was understandably knackered and Steve had had a horrible day at work. We all work pretty well together, we just know what needs doing and get it done, which is exactly how it should be! My mantra on days like these is "Don't panic - prioritise"
If the important stuff gets done, the rest can be caught up on later. I think this attitude will help once baby is here!
Today, I'm kinda tired because I was woken up at 2.30am by my phone ringing, I still have no idea who was phoning me at that time, possibly a wrong number! Of course, when your phone rings at that time, it worries you and you struggle to get back to sleep!
Then, Daisy decided to get up at 7am, and once she's awake, there's no getting her back to bed quietly. The dog wakes up and starts barking, and if I'm not quick to get downstairs and settle things down, the whole household is awake, so I have to get up!
Ach well, I'm getting plenty of practice at dealing patiently with lack of sleep and being very busy, and I think it's important to just get on with things. No point in being grumpy once you're up and about! I'm off now to get caught up with housework I fell behind on yesterday, then take the dog out.
Tomorrow, my poor little girl has to get up at 4am for her Cheerleading competition in Inverness, the bus leaves at 5am! Thankfully, my mum is taking her, I'm far too pregnant to be three hours from home right now!
Daisy is hoping we will have the baby while she is away so she can come home to a surprise - you never know!
C-section is ten days from today, so the final countdown is now in days rather than weeks. Can't wait!!!
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