Wednesday, 5 February 2014

A squillion times over

After yesterday's 24 post, I got a lot of messages from people saying they don't know how I cope, I must be a supermum and they're sorry to hear I'm having such a tough time.
I love comments and messages, and I'm grateful for all of them, but wanted to clear some things up.
I don't ever want my blog to come across as a whinge, but it will always, always be an honest, warts and all account of motherhood.
I don't ever see myself as having a tough time or saving to cope with a lot. To me, losing your job is a tough time. Battling a chronic illness is a tough time. Dealing with abuse is a tough time. This is just being a mum. I'm eternally grateful for my kids, and they make me proud every single day, but yes, sometimes I lose my patience. Sometimes I have to stop and take a deep breath so I don't freak out. Sometimes, I forget to stop and take a deep breath and I do freak out. Then I feel guilty that my kids saw me lose it. Then I have to remind myself that it's important for kids to occasionally see their mother lose it because it teaches them that mums are human, too.
We have limits. We freak out. We get scared and we sometimes don't want to be the responsible adult anymore.
At the end of the day, what I do is no harder or easier than what any other mum does. Whether you have one kid or ten kids, whether your  social media features only edited highlights of you running joyfully through cornfields with your immaculately groomed children, or you regularly share photos of things your toddler has flushed down the toilet  (towels, lego, your social life...), we are all in the same boat - just taking one day at a time, trying to steer our kids in the right direction and get through it in one piece.
When I had a third child, some people said "You must be mad!"
Why is that? The way I see it, the more kids you have, the more fun it is.
Yes, you sleep less. Yes, you worry more. Yes, you will sometimes be so tired you could throw up.
But you know what? There will always be someone who wants to cuddle you. There will always be something to do, you'll never have time to be bored. And there will always be at least one moment a day when you feel so proud you could burst. Anyone who follows me on Facebook or Instagram will see those moments several times a day, because I shamelessly share at least some of my happy, proud moments!

So please don't think that having lots of kids is bad, nothing could be further from the truth.
Would I do it again? In a heartbeat.
A squillion times over.

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