Isn't she beautiful? I can't believe she's six years old already!
She was born the day before my 27th birthday, and was a very much longed for second child. This time round, I had the confidence of a veteran mother, so her babyhood seemed to be so much easier for me.
I'll be honest, I always dreamed of having a girl. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't in the least bit disappointed that my first child was a boy, but I had good reason to believe that my second could well be my last, so I was over the moon that I got my wee girl! In fact, it took me several nappy changes to let it sink in that yes, she really was a girl!
I have to say, I enjoyed every second of the baby days with Daisy. It was tinged with sadness, because every stage that passed, every time I packed up another size of clothing, or stopped using bottles or nappies, another part of my "babymama" days was over. By this time though, I appreciated how fast it all went, and I soaked up every joyous second of it.
She's a glorious little firecracker, full of mischief and cheek, but still very very much a little girl, so innocent and full of wonder. I love telling her stories about Santa or the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny, and seeing her little eyes shine with excitement and her face light up with possibility and the faith that in her little mind, the world is a magical place where only good things happen.
I love the way that she's such a Stevie's girl, she climbs into his lap as soon as he sits down anywhere and she just absolutely adores him. Look how close they are, it's amazing!
One of her favourite things to do is make cards and pictures for people, I'm forever being handed scraps of paper with hearts scrawled all over them and "I love Mummy" in her lovely handwriting. A few weeks ago, I found a picture in her school folder with hearts and the name of a boy in her class. While for the most part I just thought it was adorable and innocent, it brought a tear to my eye, because it suddenly made me realise that one day, my tiny little girl will grow up. She will be let down by boys who don't deserve her, she'll have her heart broken and I won't be able to stop it from hurting. I know because I've been there, and I know that it's an essential part of growing up, but oh, how I want to just wrap her up in a sparkly blanket of unicorns and fairies and whisper "Just stay little" to her.
For as long as I can, I'll embrace her tiny innocence, we can deal with the tough stuff later. Right now, it's time for cupcakes and finger painting and enjoying every moment of gorgeous childhood. Here's to my beautiful princess, and holding onto the magic as long as possible.
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