Gestation: 31 weeks
I'm feeling: Physically, a little bit sore. I think I'm getting a bit of SPD, so whenever I get up from sitting down, I get a pain in my pelvis and groin, and sometimes it's painful to walk. Turning over in bed is pretty tricky as well!
Emotionally, I'm feeling really happy at the moment. Had a very tearful day earlier in the week, for no real reason at all, I think it's just raging hormones! I'd been in town and was sore, and constantly on the verge of tears, then had a bit of unpleasantness on FB which led to me being in floods of tears for ages, so silly!
Anyhoo, apart from that, I've been really happy and content, enjoying time with the kids and just loving the last few weeks of pregnancy!
I'm eating: Food cravings this week are much the same, chocolate and toast, and soft fruits. According to my scales, I've lost 4lbs this week, which can't possibly be right because I'm eating like a demon and growing bigger every day!
Baby prep this week: We had a lovely day last weekend, when we took the kids to Mothercare to choose some toys for the baby. I was so touched to see how excited they both got about it, and how much thought they put into it. Charlie chose a lovely story book with a little furry puppet attatched, and Daisy chose a stuffed strawberry with lots of little sensory bits, like teethers, crinkly bits and mirrors. It also has a little baby strawberry inside which Daisy is excited to show the baby!
We also built our cot, and I started a bit of shopping for the hospital bag, such as new pyjamas, maternity pads, etc. Getting there!
Next week, I plan on taking the whole week to be completely lazy. The kids have been off for the past two weeks, and I really appreciate how content they've been to just play around in the house, at least I didn't feel under pressure to be constantly taking them away places. I've still been kept busy trying to keep Daisy entertained and trying to encourage Charlie to spend a bit of time away from his computer every day. Next week when they go back to school, I fully intend to do my bits of housework and then just flop!
Oh, and look at this random moment of awesomeness...
Daisy is so excited about being a big sister, and she speaks to the baby every day. I push my bump out to pretend the baby is kicking in response to her voice. Sometimes, it actually is kicking, but I exaggerate it to make her feel like the baby likes her better than anyone else! She runs through every morning to my bedroom and gives the baby a cuddle, it's adorable! I can't wait to see her little face when she actually sees the baby for the first time, it'll be such an emotional moment.
Charlie is excited as well, but he's not as vocal about it. I know he is though, because I see his face light up when there's a baby on the TV, and he always squees over tiny baby clothes and shoes in the shops. They'll both be amazing role models for their baby brother/sister :)
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